Meeting Fr Benedict Groeschel

The full Church was treated to a spiritually enriching, witty and down to earth talk on the problems of 20th century psychology and the importance of the concept and practice of virtue. After the talk, Fr Stephen Langridge celebrated Vespers and Benediction. As ever on these occasions, it was a pleasure to meet people who have read this blog as well as many old friends from Faith and from other contacts in Catholic London. A good number of seminarians from Wonersh were there too and I know that their presence is valued - they also benefit from such occasions where there is a real joy in the faith among lay people from every walk of life. At these events at the Holy Ghost, one always comes away reaffirmed in Pope John Paul's exclamation (taken up by Pope Benedict) "The Church is alive! The Church is young!
I picked up a copy of the book that Fr Benedict has published on the theme he was speaking about tonight: