Gordon Brown in Pink News

Pink News has an exclusive article: Prime Minister Gordon Brown answers your questions which gives the new Prime Minister an opportunity to nail his colours to the mast - which he does with enthusiasm. They take him up on the fact that he has been absent from nearly all "Gay Equality" bills introduced since 1997 but Brown gives assurances that he supports the whole of the Government's record. Similarly challenged on his silence on civil partnerships, he affirms his support for them.

Pushed on the "more that needs to be done", he affirms that the new "Commission for Equality and Human Rights" has a role not only to enforce the law but also to change attitudes. This is worrying since all human rights organisations now work on the principle that homosexuality is the equivalent of race with the homosexual inclination being the "racial" characteristic that defines the homosexual person. To criticise homosexual activity as sinful, therefore, is by definition discriminatory against homosexuals. With the aid of the new Commission, the gay lobby will be able to outlaw certain expressions or possibly even certain opinions; for example those set out in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Brown is particularly keen to "tackle homophobic bullying in schools". This is fine if it refers to bullying and nasty name-calling - but in practice, "homophobic bullying" is increasingly becoming a code word established by Stonewall for not allowing schools to promote natural marriage and the family as normative.

The triumphant article in the same paper The man who took a bishop to a tribunal and won, describes the victory of John Reaney in a court case against the Anglican Bishop of Hereford. The judgement indicates how the new regulations are going to be applied in the case of religious organisations. The Times article Gay man’s lifestyle made him unfit for post, insists bishop from last April gives more details of the exchange between Reaney and the Bishop:
The Bishop said that, although Mr Reaney undertook not to start a new gay relationship, he felt that he was not emotionally in a position to be making such a promise.

He told the tribunal: “The end of a five-year relationship leads to a lot of grieving and it can take much time for someone to recover. It would not have been right for me to take an undertaking of his head that his heart could not keep. It remains my judgment that Mr Reaney had not met the standards required. It was not a risk I was prepared to take.”
The crucial legal point in this case was highlighted by the solicitor, Alison Downie of Bindman & Partners:
"In this landmark test case the tribunal found not only that he suffered direct discrimination but that if necessary they would have found indirect discrimination in the diocese imposing a requirement of celibacy for lay people in employment within the Church."
So it is now against the law for a Christian organisation to require that its employees undertake to abide by Christian teaching.

See also coverage by Hilary White at LifeSite News New U.K. PM Gordon Brown Promises Gays "Crack-Down" on "Homophobia"

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