Taking offence - double standards

This video Eucharistie Lisbonne shows Bishop Jacques Gaillot presiding over various chants and dances leading Christopher Gillibrand to label it The Red Bishop and the Stealth Priestesses. I'm not going to embed the video here. To be honest, I couldn't bear to watch more than the first two minutes and it is over 19 minutes long.

What struck me was the first song which had the swaying ladies chanting "Yahveh, Yahveh, Yah-a-a-veh something something" with the Bishop shouting in the background. Now my point is this. There has been was a tremendous fuss about a prayer in the older form Good Friday Liturgy which prays for the conversion of the Jews. A lot of ink has been spilled about this, some of it sensibly to point out that if we believe that our faith brings eternal salvation, it is an act of charity to pray for the conversion of others. If they do not agree with us about our faith, surely, they could agree that if it were to be true it would be reasonable and good to want to share that eternal salvation with others?

But using the tetragrammaton, the most sacred name of the Lord, wantonly in songs like this must surely be far more offensive to any orthodox Jew. Why have the secular papers not taken this up at all, ever?

Fairly obviously, the answer is that the "offence to the Jews" story has largely been manufactured by the secular press and liberal Catholics as an opportune stick with which to beat Pope Benedict; one that serves conveniently at the same time to attack traditional Catholicism.

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