Abortion - changing hearts and minds

LifeSite News has a review of two films that are showing this summer Knocked Up and Waitress. (See: A Diamond in the Raunch) While not endorsing the general immorality of the films, (and not recommending that anyone go to see them) the review points out one positive element in both: they clearly show the humanity of the unborn child and give a positive portrayal of the decision of the mother not to have an abortion despite being pressured to do so. A quote from the review:
Yes, these films are inappropriate on many levels. But there is no escaping the fact that we are witnessing two Hollywood films in simultaneous release that value unborn life, openly reject the call for abortion, and argue that children can positively affect the lives of those who have them.
Many young people will see these films - let us pray that the lesson of the humanity of the unborn child will not be lost on them.

In a Pastoral Letter for the Day for Life, my Archbishop, Kevin McDonald, said:
There will be no change in the legislation until there is a change in the hearts and minds of people. We must not lose hope that that prayer will be answered.
I think this is an important point. Changing hearts and minds is the most important priority - I pray that the depiction of the unborn child by Hollywood will help us a little.

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