Summer begins in the parish

Yesterday morning saw the annual Mass for children in Year 6 who are leaving the primary school. At the end of Mass, the leavers each receive a Rosary. I encouraged them to retain Our Lady of the Rosary as a special patron throughout their time at secondary school. School's out now for the summer: tonight they are having a party in the hall next door to my house.

This afternoon, some of my parishioners held a fundraising garden party for the Sunshine International Project. We were treated to freshly baked scones with jam and cream, strawberries, and delicious fruit cake; and of course, lots of tea. A very summery English thing to do - but we nearly had it with the weather. This morning the sky was nearly black and we had thunder and torrential rain. Fortunately it had cleared up by 3pm and it was actually quite sunny.

(More pics over at the parish blog)

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