Cardinal Kung Foundation on Pope's Letter to China

Joseph Kung of the Cardinal Kung Foundation has written a prelimary assessment welcoming Pope Benedict's letter to the Catholics of China.

The Cardinal Kung Foundation has energetically promoted the cause of the underground Church in China and some commentators have wondered what their reaction would be to the letter which in some respects attemtps to conciliate the underground and the patriotic Church.

I was most impressed by the booklet "Stories form the Catholic Church in China" published by Aid to the Church in Need. The short stories are very moving and quite astounding in some cases. One that is relevant to the present case is that of the reconciliation between an "official" Bishop and his underground counterpart.

It is in the interests of the old-fashioned atheists in the Chinese government to foster discord between the patriotic and the underground Churches. As so often in persecution, those who are actually involved understand the pressures that others are under and are more willing to promote reconciliation than armchair observers who do not face imprisonment and torture.

I pray that the Holy Father's letter will be a real source of joy and hope for all the Catholics in China. The Chinese Government has, predictably, tried to suppress its publication. (Information from Zenit and further info from Fr Z.)

Our Lady of China. Pray for us.

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