Facility for donations

For some time, I have toyed with the idea of putting a paypal button on the sidebar just to see what happened. That was not a good enough reason. The prospect of the High Mass and celebrations have prompted me to action. There will be some expenses related to this day and I will pay them out of my own pocket.

It might be that some readers would be in the position to help me out in this, hence the donation button. English Charity Law is not as generous as the "not for profit" provision in the USA so it is sensible for me to avoid any possible hostile action. Same Charity Law would make it highly problematic to arrange this "through the parish" and the Finance Office would have a fit so just to be crystal clear: donations will not go to my parish, diocese, or any of the charities with which I am associated. They will go into my personal bank account and I will declare them in my tax return. Absolutely no "Fr Ted" stuff here!

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