Ecclesiastical cyber-bullying

Orthfully Catholic, a blog by some English seminarians, recently put up a post called "Advice for Priests". At first sight, you might wonder at seminarians giving "advice to priests". However, if you read the post, you can see that this is something taken from a priest's sermon which the seminarians have found helpful and, good humouredly, pass on to us priests.

The sad part is a comment from "Fr Martin":
"Advice for Seminarians"!!!

Until you are ordained then please do not assume to offer advice to priests.

The advice I will offer you is if you wish to be ordained then I suggest that you refrain from such patronising comments. You are lucky that I do not know which Seminary that you attend, as if I did I would be expressing my concerns to your Rector.
I agree with Fr Ray Blake and Paulinus that this is nothing more than cyber-bullying. Seminarians are rightly careful about what they post on the internet and try to remain balanced and moderate in what they say. This post is a perfectly acceptable communication of a priest's preaching, and not in the least "patronising".

Fr Martin, unwisely, attempted to bully Damien Thompson last week - cf. The true voice of liberalism.

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