Mention in the Sunday Times

Last week, some of us bloggers were wondering why there had not been an article on Damien Thompson's blog Holy Smoke about the Merton Conference. We had rather forgotten about these printed paper thingies that lots of people buy in shops.

In fact, Damien had a major article last weekend in the Sunday Times: Let us pray in Latin: priests take on Catholics’ magic circle. He has quite a bit of fun with this, including the bit everyone will remember:
A priest who looks barely out of his teens explains what he does when unsolicited copies of The Tablet – a liberal Catholic magazine that opposes the Latin revival – arrive at his church: “I painstakingly remove the staples and feed it into the shredder. It’s time-consuming, but God’s work.”
He talks about priestly bloggers and very kindly quotes this blog. I think that it is the first time it has been mentioned in the Sunday Times.

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