Rome conference on Summorum Pontificum

There is an interesting conference next month in Rome, 16-18 September, organised by Giovani e Tradizione (literally "young people and tradition"). The line-up of speakers is impressive, including Fr Nicola Bux, Fr Michael Lang, and Fr Manfred Hauke.

The concluding Mass will be at the Church of SS. Trinità dei Pellegrini, the FSSP parish Church in Rome and will be celebrated by Mgr Camille Perl, the Vice-President of the Pontifical Commission “Ecclesia Dei”. A note adds that the Institute of Christ the King will be providing the music along with the Cappella Musicale of the Pantheon).

A note concerning Masses on the Tuesday morning says "7-8am Holy Masses in the Patriarchal Basilica of St Peter (NB. Priests should bring their own “Missale Romanum” ed. 1962)" This confirms something that I was very glad to hear the other day. Apparently now there is no problem about celebrating Mass according to the usus antiquior in St Peter's Basilica - you simply turn up with your 1962 missal. I am told that the easiest way to find the old Mass in St Peter's is to look round for an altar at which there is a crowd of seminarians in clerical dress ;-)

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