Passing through Groningen

As I mentioned the other day, my journey to the Catechetical Boot Camp took me via Groningen. On the way back today, the Puella Paschalis very kindly took me to see the Cathedral which is her parish Church. Since she knows the personnel there, she was able to take me into the sacristy and the presbytery. Unfortunately, their excellent parish priest was busy out and about with pastoral work so I was unable to meet him but I was very pleased to hear that he called in to the Boot Camp.

The Cathedral of St Joseph in Groningen was built by Cuypers who is the "Dutch Pugin". The tower is the tallest structure in Groningen. As you can see below, the vista of the Cathedral has been left intact.

The High Altar is also unaltered. The versus populum altar is a movable wooden altar and could easily be shifted for the usus antiquior. Not only the High Altar but the episcopal throne and the sedilia have been left in place, allowing the Cathedral to retain its continuity with the past.

Cuypers also designed the rather splendid railway station:

I was amazed at the bicycle store. This photo shows only a third of it. Anna, who collected me from the station, told me that at Amsterdam there is a three-storey bicycle store.

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