Cardinal Caffarra orders Holy Communion on the tongue only

I have only just read the decree issued by Cardinal Caffarra issued earlier this year, giving directions about the distribution of the Eucharist. This was reported by the NLM back in May.
Cardinal Caffarra speaks of the duty of the Bishops as successors of the apostles, to exhort people to receive Holy Communion worthily, adding:
The shepherds’ catechesis must never miss to linger over [or better: "never fail to emphasise"] the way the Eucharist can be approached in order to avoid as much as possible that the Most Holy Sacrament of Eucharist be treated with superficiality or even in a disrespectful way, or even worse, sacrilegious.The Cardinal laments the many cases of profanation, especially in larger Churches or big celebrations, that have been made easier by the distribution of communion in the hand. He asks that the servers should be vigilant to see that the host is consumed immediately and says that communion should be given by priests, deacons or, in their absence, by acolytes and only in "really exceptional cases" by others.
Finally he establishes the following:
Anyway, considering the frequency in which cases of irreverent behavior in the act of receiving the Eucharist have been reported, we dispose that starting from today in the Metropolitan Church of S. Peter, in the Basilica of S. Petronius and in the Shrine of the Holy Virgin of S. Luke in Bologna the faithful are to receive the consecrated Bread only from the hands of the Minister directly on the tongue.