Fr Hayward's Golden Jubilee

Fr Patrick Hayward of the Canons Regular of the Lateran, celebrated a Missa Cantata at Maiden Lane on Monday evening on the 50th aniversary of his first celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

Cannon McDonald preached the sermon and Fr Southwell presented Fr Hayward with a Papal Blessing after Mass on behalf of the Latin Mass Society.

On Sunday, Fr Hayward concelebrated Mass at with several Bishops, and with his colleague Fr Anthony Maggs CRL, also celebrating his Golden Jubilee. Above you can see Fr Hayward with the Sisters of Mercy from Bodmin, and friends. The Mass was at Christchurch, Eltham, which is the next-door parish to me, so I was able to get there for some of the celebrations. Please remember Frs Hayward and Maggs in your prayers and give God thanks for their many years of labour in the vineyard of the Lord.

Bishop John Arnold was there. Bishop Arnold recently celebrated the Pontifical High Mass at Westminster Cathedral for the Latin Mass Society at which several boys from my parish were serving.

It was good also to see Bishop Malcolm McMahon of Nottingham, the Chairman of the Trustees of the Society of St Catherine of Siena. He celebrated the Pontifical Mass for the Society at the Chapel of the Knights of Malta in May.

Also present was Fr Christopher Basden, the redoubtable parish priest of St Bede's Clapham Park where I was this afternoon for an excellent study day led by Fr Anthony Doe.

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