Reaction of MS charities to Purdy judgement

There are interesting reactions from the leading MS charities to yesterday's Law Lords' judgement in the Debbie Purdy case. Although they are non-committal on the morality of assisted suicide, the charities are clearly not happy with the way that MS has been portrayed in the propaganda supporting this case.

Pam Macfarlane, Chief Executive of the MS Trust, said,
"MS is not a terminal condition and we actively campaign for more specialists to deliver the care that is needed for a condition as variable as MS. There is no question that more investment is needed in specialist palliative care and that support for the person with MS and those close to them must be a priority. However people will decide for themselves."
Simon Gillespie, Chief Executive of the MS Society, said:
"Debbie Purdy's victory has pushed MS into the spotlight but there is far more to living with MS – even in its more severe forms – than planning how to die.

"There are 100,000 people with MS across the UK and most will live about as long as any of us. The key to living well with MS is access to the right care and support, including palliative care when it's needed.

"Most palliative care resources are focused on cancer and cases like this show why the Government's end of life care strategy is so important."
MS Trust comment on Debbie Purdy's assisted suicide appeal
MS Society responds to Debbie Purdy ruling

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