Lay apostolate in action

Via a note from Damian Thompson on Twitter, I found Ed West's excellent post about the National Secular Society: The National Secular Society aren't secular - they're atheist bigots.

This was prompted by the NSS reaction to the Scottish Nationalist Party candidate for Glasgow North East who is associated with Opus Dei. They apparently think that this disqualifies him for office. Looking up the story, I am delighted to find that the candidate in question is David Kerr. David has worked for the BBC for many years and wrote a powerful critique of the Panorama programme "Sex and the Holy City", showing its inaccuracies and bias. This research was used by Robin Aitken in his book "Can we Trust the BBC?"

The National Secular Society needs to be worried. In addition to his association with Opus Dei, David has also been a regular at events run by the Faith Movement. He is more than able to answer the expostulations of those secularists who imagine that science has disproved the existence of God.

A Catholic man involved in his trade union, working in the media, and getting actively involved in politics: David offers a fine example of the lay apostolate in action. As Pope Benedict has pointed out in Caritas in Veritate, the Church has a right to a voice in the public square. It is good to hear that someone like David Kerr is there at the coal face.

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