During our time at the Buckingham Arms this evening, there was a Police van parked outside. We wondered whether we might be raided for thought crimes but we were left in peace to enjoy a couple of pints before repairing to the Ha Ha Bar for fish fingers and chips (it being Friday an' all.)

It was a good gathering with thirty or so bloggers and readers (a blogging equivalent of the cricketing "Gentlemen and Players" distinction) from various parts. Among those present were Oliver Hayes of the
Expectation of Our Lady, who travelled down from Birmingham, regular commenter and Tweeter,
Fr Mildew, Jim and Christina McPake who dropped by on their way back from Lourdes to Carlisle,
Mulier Fortis, Jonathan Hague, Andrea, John Simmonds, Delia Gaze, Patricia Forsdyke, Paul Moynihan and Sir Dan of the Blogosphere. I was delighted to meet "Dillydaydream" who occasionally comments on my blog and comes to Mass from time to time at Blackfen. It was also an occasion to meet the trenchantly pro-life and politically left "Red Maria" who blogs at
For bloggers and readers it was a chance to meet and chat with Fr Zuhlsdorf of
What Does the Prayer Really Say, and generally a most convivial evening to meet face-to-face with those who normally correspond through the "ether".
Of course, it is wrong just to meet up for a pint and a meal so we got some work done. I wasn't going to mention this but we settled down at a table for a workshop where we looked at the minutes of the last meeting, matters arising, ongoing projects and Any Other Business. Since Fr Z has posted the photo, I give it here as proof: