Routemaster bus to Jubilee Mass

Andrew Bosi sends me the following details of the Bus that has been organised for those wishing to travel to my Jubilee Mass from central London.
Please ask people to be at Moorgate (Finsbury Square) for 4.45 or London Bridge for 5.15 p.m. We hope to use a stand on the east side of Finsbury Square but a routemaster bus should be fairly conspicuous, even though we hope to have RM5 which is red but may have to settle for RM6 which is gold in colour.

We plan to return at approx. 10 p.m.
People should let me know they are coming on this e-mail The £5 fare will be collected on the bus. We hope to have a Gibson ticket machine but cannot promise. Oystercards including freedom passes, travelcards etc. regrettably cannot be accepted.

Any rendition of "Transport of Delight" will be limited to the return journey.

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