A fatherly gesture from my Bishop

This morning's post brought a pleasant surprise: the book "Priesthood. A Life Open to Christ" compiled by Canon Daniel Cronin. The book came as a gift from my Archbishop, Kevin McDonald, who has sent the book to all his priests to help us to engage with the Year of the Priesthood. This is a kind and thoughtful expression of the Archbishop's fatherly care for his priests, and I greatly appreciate it.

The book is a collection of short articles written by a wide variety of contributors; priests and bishops. Although the English contributors predominate, there are articles by, for example, Cardinals Pell and DiNardo. Some of us might take issue with one or two of the articles but there is a lot of good, sincere and prayerful material, including a fine article by Archbishop McDonald reflecting on the priesthood as it runs "directly counter to the prevailing culture" and offers a sure reference point bringing stability here and now, and hope for the future.

Please remember Archbishop McDonald in your prayers today.

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