Early evening in London

Where do you think the above photo was taken? Here is a link to the google map. You might imagine that it is somewhere in the English countryside. In fact, it is a little place called Horse Guards Road, looking towards St James's Park, right in the centre of London. Turning 180 degrees, here is the view of Horse Guards Parade where the trooping of the colour is carried out. You can see the London Eye in the background and just out of shot to the right is 10 Downing Street, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and HM Treasury.

I had to cross a busy road called "The Mall" which has a good prospect to the west (Buckingham Palace.)

My destination was this venerable English institution in Carlton House Terrace, for the launch of "Test of Faith" (more in a moment).

As it was a glorious evening and I was passing some of the great landmarks, I thought some of you might appreciate a couple of snaps.

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