Bertone interview with 30 Giorni

I read on the New Liturgical Movement that Cardinal Bertone, who is shortly to succeed Cardinal Sodano as Secretary of State, has given an extensive interview with the Italian magazine 30 Giorni.

In an excerpt from the (subscriber access) report on CW News, Shawn Tribe focuses on the Cardinal's comments on the SSPX:
Today, the cardinal said, he remains convinced that "if there is a sincere desire on the part of the Lefebvrists to return to full communion with the Holy See, it will not be difficult to find appropriate ways to reach that result." That is particularly true, he said, in the light of the audience held by Pope Benedict XVI with Bishop Bernard Fellay, the head of the SSPX, last summer.
I have also seen an Italian source which focuses on his worries because he does not speak English. Apparently the Holy Father pointed out that neither does Helmut Kohl. I don't think he needs to be too embarrassed - he speaks about four languages more than most English speaking people bother to learn.

CNS focuses on his comments on war and peace, CW news says that he also spoke about Milingo and the third secret of Fatima. I would love to be able to read the whole article. Unfortunately the 30 Giorni website only carries material from the June 2006 edition. If anyone can point me to the full Italian text, I would be most grateful.

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