Pope's summer school to discuss evolution

Sandro Magister's weekly English column this week reports that the seminar of Pope Benedict's summer school (Ratzinger-Schülerkreis) will focus on Schöpfung und Evolution, Creation and Evolution.

The summer school has run since the Pope was a professor at Regensburg. He continued it when he was appointed Archbishop of Munich and when he was called to Rome to head the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. As Pope, he has now chosen to continue the Schülerkreis this September. Professor Peter Schuster, president of the Österreichichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, the Austrian academy of sciences, and cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Vienna will open the discussion on creation and evolution.

The Faith Movement has always promoted the idea that evolution offers a deepening of the traditional argument for the existence of God and so this seminar will be of great interest to us.

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