RSV lectionary approved - for the Antilles!

The second Catholic edition (2006) of the Ignatius Bible is, in my view, the best English language bible available. The leather-bound edition is very fine and the printing is clear on good quality paper. The most important thing, of course, is that the translation is an accurate one. The 2006 edition says that the text was revised in 2002 according to Liturgiam Authenticam. The main change that has been made is that in in prayers addressed to God, Thee/Thou etc has been replaced with you/your. Otherwise the text is more or less left alone.

I have always thought that the RSV is the ideal text for the lectionary. There do exist some old English RSV lectionaries and they may still lawfully be used. However, the newer three volume lectionary has better layout and includes much more for the proper of saints and the English calendar and so it is normally the one that is used in parishes. The text is the very inferior Jerusalem Bible translation.

Unfortunately, there is a new International Commission which is working on producing a new lectionary according to the NRSV (New RSV). The scripture texts will need to be subjected to detailed editing because of the use of "inclusive language" where it is not permitted by Liturgiam Authenticam.

Now it appears that Ignatius Press have produced a lectionary using the RSV text. However, at the moment it is only approved for use the the Antilles! Here is an opportunity. It would be a very good thing if this version were approved for use in England. Even better if The Congregation for Divine Worship were simply to approve its use anywhere in the English speaking world. Why not?

Thanks to Adoremus for the information.

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