That Faith Summer Session 2006 Video

OK, here it is. My first attempt at making one of these. I used Windows MovieMaker and the photos I took during the Summer Session. The version uploaded to YouTube is very much cut down in quality in order to get it down to 5Mb as a reasonable upload for me and download for you. I probably should have cut the pictures down in size before using them (they are all at 3Mb res). It was great to be able to show the high-res version on a cinema screen with theatre sound. Now I can do this stuff, you can expect more from time to time.

This is the "raw" in-joke version. I need to edit it a bit, and do it up as a promo video for Faith. I've got some more good pictures from the last day that could go in. Anyway, enjoy.

Notes on in-jokes
Dan Cooper is a veteran of the Faith Movement, having taught for several decades in the John Fisher School and kept the Faith Society going with the boys there. He insists on Gravitas in the liturgy and is well-known for his outspoken comments. Example -
"Have you heard about that film Love Actually? Well, it's fornication - actually."
The babies are from various of our "Faith Families". The "Unity Law" is one of the themes of the Faith Movement to summarise how God's wisdom works in a unified way in Creation, Revelation, the Incarnation and the Church.

The "cool priest" with the shades is Fr Scott Deely. The joke of showing him as a boy was lost because many people didn't recognise him. So I've captioned the photo now.

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