Milingo finds kindred spirit in Karen Armstrong

The article below was posted on Sandro Magister's Espresso Blog in Italian a couple of days ago. The following is my own translation.
"Having appeared unexpectedly at Washington in the middle of July with his “Moony” wife, Maria Sung, and espoused the cause of married priests, the indescribable Archbishop Emmanual Milingo appeared again on the 3rd of August with a second pastoral letter on the subject after the first one which was given on the 16th of July.

This time, the immediate target is an African bishop, a fellow national from Zambia: Monsignor George Lungo, bishop of Chipata, who is guilty of having criticised Milingo in the homily of a Mass he celebrated in the Diocese on the 1st of August to ordain new priests and deacons.

Milingo took his cue from this for a philippic against the Church obsessed by sex and hostile to women. He lays the blame on Saint Augustine, Saint Jerome, and Tertullian. And he cites with vigour, as the greatest authority on the subject, the English Karen Armstrong.

Armstrong, 62, was a sister of the Holy Child Jesus between 1962 and 1969. Then, she discarded the habit, the vows and even the Catholic faith. She took up religion again in 1984, but in a syncretistic form. She professes “freelance monotheism” as her own kind of balance between Christianity, Hebraism, Islam and, more recently, Buddhism. She has written books on this area, some of which have been translated into Italian.

Milingo is naturally among her readers. Now, he has also become her enthusiastic promoter ..."
Oh dear!

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