Priests and Religious at the Faith Conference

As one of the older priests on the Conference, I am always delighted to concelebrate with so many good young priests. A priestly vocation comes from God, of course, but most of us owe much of our youthful formation in the faith to the Faith Movement and were encouraged in our vocation by other good priests from Faith.

Fr James Clark, of the Southwark Vocations Team, arranged for their display to be put up in the foyer. He was also responsible for ensuring that the liturgy was conducted smoothly and in a dignified manner.

We were also fortunate to have some excellent religious with us. Sisters Roseann and Andrea of the Sisters of the Gospel of Life have a long-time association with the work of Faith. (They run the Cardinal Winning Pro-Life Initiative.) Sister Jordan OP is a regular visitor and came with one of her sisters from the Dominican Sisters of St Joseph in the New Forest. This year, Fr Augustine Holmes OSB, the novice-master from Pluscarden Abbey joined us. Fr Augustine was helped in his own vocation by the Faith Movement and his Abbot was happy to allow him to join us and to invite people to visit the Abbey.

(It looks as though Fr Philip Miller is explaining to Dominican Sisters how to say the Rosary. Surely that can't be right?)

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