Bl John Duns Scotus conference

This week the International Symposium on the Mariology of Blessed John Duns Scotus is taking place at Grey College, Durham. Tomorrow morning, I will be giving a paper summarising the development of the theology of the Immaculate Conception and the celebration of the feast between the time of Scotus and the definition. From previous experience, I know that these conference are quite high-powered academically with many genuinely learned theologians present. The Franciscans of the Immaculate take their vows of poverty and obedience very seriously - as they do their theology. In such company, I'm rather nervous about my paper...

Today, the participants, including among them many Franciscan friars and sisters of the Immaculate, went to visit the chapel at Duns and were warmly welcomed by Cardinal O'Brien who celebrated Mass for them and spent the whole afternoon with the group. I hope to have some pictures of this event soon from Claudio who showed me some on his camera over supper.

Friar Roderick has his camera with him and is recording various items for Air Maria. I was going to have a listen to Fr Peter Damien Fehlner's opening sermon but I didn't bring any earphones and everyone has gone to bed as it is well past 10 o'clock!

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