The challenge to Blair remains

Johns Smeaton has a post today about Tony Blair's "exciting event" in Los Angeles under the auspices of his "Faith Foundation" (see Tony Blair is undermining the faith of the church into which he has been received.

John repeats the call on pro-lifers to challenge Tony Blair on his political record on life issues. He wrote to the former PM in January about this and his letter summarises the key matters of concern.

Usually, when anyone says anything about this, people say that we mustn't judge Mr Blair's conscience, that we are all sinners, that he must have gone to confession and repented of all his anti-life actions as a politician etc. John deals with these points in two ways. First he makes the sensible point:
As a Catholic myself, I do not believe that politicians should be protected from public scrutiny simply by being received into the Catholic church.
He continues:
I have no wish for Tony Blair to don sackcloth and ashes. I’ll do that for my own sins before I judge anyone else.However, Tony Blair’s position on abortion, abortifacient birth control, IVF and euthanasia by neglect is a matter of public record. As prime minister he was in the forefront of championing the culture of death not only in Britain but also, on abortion, around the world through the UK’s foreign policy. As long as he fails to repudiate his appalling legacy, Tony Blair is undermining the faith of the church into which he has been received.
Photo: Getty images

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