More photos from Bootcamp
Puella Paschalis has posted this link to a collection of photos from the Bootcamp that I went to speak at in the Netherlands last month. There is one where I am attempting to pronounce Dutch correctly with help from the students.
They were very kind about my efforts.
Here is another photo from Mass: the singing of the Gospel:
The vestment was made by a lady locally and was very fine. It meets the requirements set out by Fr Anthony Symondson in his article submitted to NLM questioning the Borromean revival where he reminds us of a decision of the Sacred Congregation of Rites that
I liked the following picture because it captures the atmosphere at the Masses. In somewhat spartan conditions, the students are reverent, attentive and participating fully.
Looking at these pictures and remembering the Bootcamp, I realise that this was a very rich experience for me and I would certainly be willing to go again if invited. There is something deeply good about this initiative and I am sure it is something providential not only for the Church in the Netherlands but for Europe. The Good Lord does not always use grand expensive schemes to further his plan but will always use those who are humble, sincere and loyal to the Church.

Here is another photo from Mass: the singing of the Gospel:

'a chasuble may reach a little below the wrists, or a little below the shoulder, but not in between.'Personally, I quite like the Borromean chasuble and all things Borromean but it is good to know that the chasuble I was wearing met the strictest standards.
I liked the following picture because it captures the atmosphere at the Masses. In somewhat spartan conditions, the students are reverent, attentive and participating fully.