Good company with the Friars
Before leaving Durham this afternoon, I took a USB stick down to the Conference Office, hoping to get some photos. Fra Francis kindly let me have a number of his photos to illustrate my next couple of posts. The Friars will also be posting things onto Air Maria so keep a lookout there.
The Friars are always great company; their theological formation is intense, thorough and totally orthodox - and of course they are all Scotists! I also met a number of the Sisters who have been to my parish either for the Day with Mary or to sing for one of our usus antiquior Masses.
As you can imagine with a group of Franciscans, there is the odd bit of banter. Fra Giles was part of the camera team and Fra Francis asked him to stand for a photo: "Move a little to the right... a little more ..." He managed to get this shot:
The Friars are always great company; their theological formation is intense, thorough and totally orthodox - and of course they are all Scotists! I also met a number of the Sisters who have been to my parish either for the Day with Mary or to sing for one of our usus antiquior Masses.
As you can imagine with a group of Franciscans, there is the odd bit of banter. Fra Giles was part of the camera team and Fra Francis asked him to stand for a photo: "Move a little to the right... a little more ..." He managed to get this shot: