Excellent reporting in France

I was sent a link to this video today which shows the Papal motorcade in Paris. The commentary is in French so if you don't understand French, just go to 1'32" to see the banner which reads "Thank you Most Holy Father for Summorum Pontificum"

Most of the commentary is given by a woman journalist who gives an excellent summary of the effect of Summorum Pontificum and of the issues raised by it. She even makes the fine point that the term "extraordinary form" is a juridical one and that the Holy Father has made it clear that there is no contradiction between the two forms of the rite. On mutual enrichment, she says that the older form could benefit from more prefaces, and that the newer form can benefit from the understanding that the Eucharist is not the assembly of one community but an act of the whole communion of the Church, and an act of adoration of God.

A priest also gives comments, noting that there had been a great controversy in France and that the Holy Father's intention had been to promote reconciliation. At the end, he reminds the viewers that the Holy Father comes to us as the successor of Peter, given to us by Christ to guide the Church and that we should welcome him with joy because he makes us stronger in our Christian life.

This footage from KTO was broadcast on France 2 and on giant screens around Paris.

(My correspondent said that the priest was a Parisien and that he had some particular responsibility in the diocese of Paris. I'd be grateful if anyone can fill in the details here.)

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