New term at Parkminster

At Parkminster, the Carthusian monastery in England, I resumed today the course "De Deo Uno et Trino" (On God, One and Three) and we looked especially at the simplicity and the immutability (unchangeableness) of God.

It was a great joy to meet and congratulate Dom Gregory Carling who was solemnly professed on the feast of the Assumption. I remembered today that since he was baptised in my parish, I must enter his profession in the Baptismal Register. I will consult the Rituale Romanum for the correct formula for this entry.

My visits to Parkminster (fortnightly during the academic year) always conclude with Vespers, chanted according to the simplified Carthusian tones which are subtly different from those of the Roman office.

A solemn profession is a great occasion and I would like to pass on to you the request on Dom Gregory's card:
Please pray for the perseverance of Dom Gregory Carling on the occasion of his solemn profession at St Hugh's Charterhouse, feast of the Assumption, 15th August 2008.

Christo omnino nihil praeponanat, qui nos pariter ad vitam aeternum perducat
Let them prefer nothing whatever to Christ, and may he bring us all together to everlasting life.

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