Ordinary form music problem

Jeffrey Tucker has written an excellent article summarising the problem with music as it is usually experienced in the ordinary form of the Mass. (Cf. No More Roadblocks)

The only time that most people get to hear the music that is prescribed to be sung at Mass is when they attend a sung Mass in the extraordinary form.
Everywhere else in town—and this is true of all neighboring towns—Masses are all vernacular, facing the people, and the music is the usual hit parade. Instead of propers, there are hymns of various shapes and styles, and instead of a Gregorian ordinary, there is a peppy “Mass setting” in English.

If you go to the engine room in the choir practice area you will find a sheet that looks like this:

Setting: Creation
Pro: random hymn
Off: random hymn
Com: random hymn
Rec: random hymn
Jeffrey agrees with the suggestion of Laszlo Dobszay in his book "Bugnini-Liturgy and the Reform of the Reform" that "the provision to permit another songs to replace the propers needs to be completely stricken from the rubrics."

If this were to happen, it would mean that each Sunday, people could hear the proper texts of the Mass. Even if the texts were sung in English to a psalm tone, it would make an enormous difference to the average Sunday sung Mass.

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