Conference on Cardinal Siri

Next Friday and Saturday, there is a conference in Genoa on the Cardinal Siri. Fr Michael Lang is giving a lecture on the theme "Liturgy, Music and Sacred Art: Cardinal Siri, Liturgist." I very much look forward to reading this paper. Cardinal Siri was a cultured and scholarly Italian prelate of the old school and, in keeping with that tradition, a fine pastoral Bishop. It is probably a good time now to rediscover his work.

You can download the programme (Italian) from the Cardinal Siri website.

The title of the conference in italian is "Momenti, Aspetti e Figure del Ministero del Card.Giuseppe Siri". "Momenti, Aspetti e Figure" is difficult to translate. It takes me back to my days at the Gregorian University when this kind of language was often used. I often used to wonder whether these sort of terms actually meant anything at all. Would "Emphases, Aspects and Impressions" be a reasonable attempt?

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