An afternoon at Parkminster

Once a fortnight, I drive over to St Hugh's Charterhouse, Parkminster, to lecture to the novices and simply professed. We are currently on the De Deo Uno part of the tract De Deo Uno et Trino. Having considered the various ways in which the human person can be said to know God, it was time to consider how this operates in practice. With the help of Garrigou Lagrange, Tanquerey and St Thomas, we looked at the nature of contemplation and its precursors. I referred to Tanquerey as the manual everyone loves to hate which raised a smile. People sometimes say that it is too systematic but I think that it is a wonderful book and must be taken for what it is: an attempt to pass on the wisdom of the saints.

Sadly, I heard today of the death of dear Fr Aloysius whom I had the privilege of chatting to last St Stephen's day. He died on Trinity Sunday and was buried yesterday after lying in the Charterhouse chapel on Monday. Fr Aloysius joined the Carthusians during the war - originally at Switzerland. He was moved to Parkminster in 1962 and has been there since. He was a great man, a poet, a good friend to his brothers, and a much-loved member of the community. Do pray for the repose of his soul. I know that we suspect that he may not need many prayers but you can always ask Our Lady to apply any surplus to whichever soul she knows most needs help.

Before Vespers, I took a photograph of Fr Aloysius' grave in the simple Churchyard:

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