Cardinal Hoyos confirms: If... but not 'only if'

Gregor Kollmorgen at NLM has picked up on some Important Assertions by Cardinal Castrillón in the introduction to the FSSP and EWTN training DVD for priests wishing to learn the older form of the Roman Rite. Here is the transcript:
It [the older form of the Mass] is not a gift merely for the so-called traditionalists, no, it is a gift for the whole Catholic Church.

And because it is a gift freely offered that the Holy Father is making, he makes it by means of this marvellous structure, the Church, which comprises the parishes, the priests, and the chaplains in the chapels where the Eucharist is celebrated. And they, by the will of the Vicar of Christ, must accept the petitions and the requests of the faithful who want this Mass, and they must offer it to them. And even if it is not specifically asked for or requested, they should make it available so that everyone may have access to this treasure of the ancient liturgy of the Church. This is the primordial goal of the motu proprio, a spiritual and theological richness.

The Holy Father wants this form of the Mass to become a normal one in the parishes, so that in this way young communities can also become familiar with this rite.
Gregor is kind enough to note that this confirms an interpretation which I advanced on this blog (see: If,... but not 'only if'). The first principle of Summorum Pontificum is that the older form of the rite was never abrogated and therefore, in principle, always legitimate. If the faithful ask for the Mass, the pastors of the Church should "willingly accept their requests"; but the pastors are not restricted to such requests. If they judge it pastorally helpful, they may celebrate the Mass without being specifically requested to do so.

Introducing the older form of the Mass in a parish setting where the newer form has been the only experience of the people for several decades is a matter requiring pastoral care and judgement. Cardinal Hoyos points to the pastoral value of everyone having access to this treasure of the ancient liturgy of the Church.

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