High Mass at Winchester Cathedral

There will be a High Mass in the older form of the Roman Rite at Winchester Cathedral on Saturday 21 June, at 11am.

Some of the Anglican members of the Choir at Winchester Cathedral are particularly interested in the liturgy and they wanted to have a Mass in thanksgiving for the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum. One is an acquaintance of the people who organise Masses for the Latin Mass Society in Canterbury Cathedral.

The Dean and Chapter were all in favour and agreed. So the Cathedral Choir will be singing a Polyphonic Mass with Gregorian Chant. (The approval of Bishop Hollis was sought and granted for Mass to be celebrated in this Anglican cathedral.)

Andrew Leigh, one of the Catholic masters at Winchester College - founded by former Bishop of Winchester, William of Wykeham, and opened in 1394 - will give a tour of the College in the afternoon.

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