Mass at Good Counsel

They reject all contraception as intrinsically evil and damaging to those who use it. The majority of the women that they meet who are in crisis pregnancies are in fact using one or more forms of contraception. Contraception is part of the problem, not the solution. As one of the counsellors put it to me very simply yesterday: how many of these girls would be sleeping with their boyfriends if they understood that there was a real chance that they might become pregnant?
The Network needs lay people to come for adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Monday or Tuesday. The Blessed Sacrament is exposed after 12.30pm Mass and Benediction is at 5pm. You could come for a part of that time. There is also an all night vigil of adoration on the first Friday of the month.
They also need priests for Mass each day so do get in touch if you can help occasionally - perhaps this would be a good thing to do on a "day off".
(You are welcome to say the Mass in the older form and if you are learning to do so, the small and sympathetic congregation would provide you with a good opportunity if you are still a little nervous about it.)
Priests or laity interested in participating in the above should phone 020 7723 1740. (The Centre is in central London.)
They recently had a visit from the Westminster planning authority and they have the wrong shutters. These have to be removed. Not enough to change them into the ones that are approved, or put them up permanently and hide them etc. Cost will be £3,000. Non-compliance would cost £20,000. So if you can spare some cash, please make the cheque payable to "The Guild of Our Lady of Good Counsel", and send it to The Good Counsel Network, PO BOX 46679, London, NW9 8ZT.