FSSP given personal parish in Rome

Some great news from the Eternal City: according to a decree dated Easter Sunday 2008, in accordance with art.10 of Summorum Pontificum:
"and after having received the proposal of the Cardinal Vicar, the Holy Father has established that in the central sector of the Diocese of Rome, in the 1st District, and in a fitting place of worship, namely, the Church of Ss. Trinità dei Pellegrini [...] should be erected a personal parish, in order to guarantee proper pastoral care for the entire community of Traditional faithful residing in the same Diocese".
Although this is the tenth FSSP apostolate which has been erected as a full personal parish, it is the first in Europe. The FSSP in their announcement say:
It is hoped that this particular parish will serve not only the local parishioners, but that it will also provide a fine example of the beauty and solemnity of the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite to the many pilgrims and students in Rome.
Rev. Joseph Kramer, FSSP, has been appointed as the first pastor of the parish of the Ssma. Trinità dei Pellegrini, He is Rector of the venerable Archconfraternity of the same name, and Rector of the Church. The installation of Fr. Kramer as pastor, and official opening Mass of the parish will take place on June 8, 2008 at 10am. (Note that this is different from the usual High Mass time in the Church's current schedule.

Heartiest congratulations to the Fraternity of St. Peter. Please remember this apostolate in your prayers.

For news and photos from the Church, see the FSSP IN VRBE blog and the related website.

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