Potato Mass

H/T to Orate Fratres: Mr. Potato Head Concelebrates The Holy Mass? for this "laugh or cry" video (direct wmv link) of the closing Mass of the Call to Action Conference at San Jose, California.

You can see liturgical dancers ominously pursued by oversized puppets as they practice their katas from "The Karate Kid" while a choir earnestly tries to "sing a new church into being".

During the Gloria, the same dancers do a sword-fight-cum-Mary Poppins asperges.

Watch it and tell me honestly whether you weren't praying for the thurible to be mis-swung during the gospel tango.

Notice the wine being brought up at the offertory in Ernest and Julio Gallo carafes with the labels soaked off - now there's posh!

I have a suggestion for the final hymn: John Hegley's Poem de Terre which sounds funnier when he sings it.

Unfortunately, there is a scene which looks very much like a valid consecration. One consolation is at the end with the blessing "in the name of the Creator and the Redemer and the Sanctifier". If that is an indication of how this priest always denotes the persons of the Trinity, at least he will not be baptising any future priests to follow in his footsteps.

But of course the real worry for us all in the Church is the growth of the traditional Latin Mass and the terrible problem of having two calendars side by side.

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