A day in France

Blériot plage
Photo CalaisCalais par AVERTIE89 sur Vacanceo.com

Up early today to get to the Eurotunnel with a priest friend for a day trip to Sangatte, near Calais. We stopped in at the Cité Europe shopping mall to buy some good tea, olive oil, a couple of electronic items and a few bottles of nice wine before having a very reasonably-priced lunch at a fish restaurant.

We had enough time for a visit to Bleriot Plage (I did not have my camera but the photo above captures the scene) and saw some windsurfers skating and jumping over the waves of the Channel. This was the site from which Louis Bleriot made the first cross-channel flight in 1909, winning the £1000 prize offered by the Daily Mail.

Back in time for a quiet Low Mass in my Church.

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