More coverage of Pontifical Mass

Fr Zuhlsdorf has added his emphases and comments to the article by Damien Thompson which I linked to yesterday. He comments particularly on the important statement by Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos that the Holy Father is offering this form of the Mass for all and that therefore it is something for all parishes, not just "many parishes". As Fr Z says,
This was stated by someone who knows what he is talking about. He wouldn’t have said it if it was according to the Holy Father’s will. how can we know this? He made a similar statement before. Review this. If the Secretariat of State or the Holy Father had a problem with what Card. Castrillon said back then, he wouldn’t be saying it in public now.
(Cf. UK: Card. Castrillon Hoyos - TLM in “Not many parishes – all parishes”!)

The New Liturgical Movement has accounts of the Mass from Fr Anthony Symondson and "Justin" that are well worth reading for the way that they capture the mood of the day. (Cf. Two accounts of Today's Pontifical Mass in London)

Fr Ray Blake has two posts, My new hero and The Mass.

In the Buckingham Arms after Mass, I met Mark of Rise and Pray. He has written about his impressions in Truly a feast of Feasts.... Mac was also there and has several posts at Mulier Fortis, including this photo of her parish priest in biretta reading The Remnant in an English pub. This is now my Facebook profile picture:

Brian Sudlow has posted his own description and reflections on the Mass: Another Westminster

Oliver Hayes (The Expectation of Our Lady) has some more photos.

Leutgeb in a World Blogging exclusive notes the use of English composers (Ecce Sacerdos Magnus by Elgar and Byrd's Ave Verum) as well as Palestrina's Missa Sacerdos et Pontifex.

The Dúnadan (Cally's Kitchen) has a personal account of the Mass: Westminster and Other Places (And yes, I was the priest with the cassock and the backpack.)

Fr Hunwicke has a charming observational post focussing especially on the gathering in the piazza after Mass. (Cf. Spanish Cardinals). I heartily concur with him on the joyful, exuberant and genuinely multi-cultural (can we simply say "Catholic") character of the gathering in the Square after Mass.

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