Westminster set to challenge SORs

The Daily Mail has reported that the Westminster Catholic Children's Society is to challenge the SORs in the courts by ignoring them and continuing to refuse to place children with same sex couples. (Cf Daily Mail: Catholic adoption agency to defy gay rights law.

This is very good news and certainly better than changing the name to a vaguely Catholic-sounding title and caving in. If it is wrong to place children with same sex couples, it makes no sense to do so in order to preserve the other aspects of a charity's work.

This initiative from Westminster deserves our wholehearted support. As Neil Addison said:
'The Church may not win, but if Catholic agencies are to be closed and deprived of their right to provide these services, let that be done - and be seen to be done - by the Government and not by the Church.'
H/T Fr Ray Blake

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