New book on Humanae Vitae

The principal part of the book is a new and carefully considered translation of the text which is on the left-hand pages, with a commentary in parallel on the right-hand pages. The book concludes with a 40 page appendix of "General Commentary", looking especially at the status of the teaching and the response due to it in conscience.
For far too long, Humanae Vitae has been treated in the Church in England and Wales as something of an embarrassment. Clifford Longley in his fascinating book "The Worlock Archive" describes how a compromise was reached in which everyone would just keep silent. As Longley says, it became "a silence difficult to break."
As our society plunges deeper into the chaos that inevitably follows on the undermining of the family, Humanae Vitae can be seen even more clearly for the prophetic witness that it undoubtedly was. This book is a welcome contribution to the positive reassessment of Humanae Vitae that is growing among the Catholic faithful who see the value of the family for society.
Paperback 224 pages
ISBN 978-1-871217-78-0
Price £8.95
Order from: Family Publications