Is it just me?

Thanks to Andrew Cusack for linking on Norumbega to the Daily Telegraph blog of Gerald Warner: Is it just me? I particularly liked Only lemon properly complements a gin and tonic and I quote:
How many times, in pubs, do I have to lecture captive audiences who convincingly feign ennui as a defensive reaction to their embarrassment at the solecism they are committing, that lemon is the only legitimate accompaniment to a gin and tonic? Tradition is, of course, an adequate reason in itself. But the fact is that, while a slice of lemon complements the gin, the overpowering flavour of lime drowns it completely.
As with most of society's evils, he traces the root cause to New Labour although he opines that barmen who rub the lime around the rim of the glass were trained by the Borgias.

This prompts me to observe the remarkable similarity between Tony Blair and Cesare Borgia. I wonder if they are by any chance related?

In their public policy they were entirely different, of course. Cesare Borgia had scant regard for the sanctity of human life and was praised by Machiavelli for his use of deception in order to promote politically advantageous warfare. Not that we should in any way pass judgement on Borgia's personal conscience or the sincerity of his profession of the Catholic faith.

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