Overpopulation again?
Last week in the Daily Telegraph, Jonathan Porritt, the chairman of the "Sustainable Development Commission" and patron of the "Optimum Population Trust" touted the line that I remember from my teenage years back in the 1970s; all about the terrible population explosion in all those countries with green in the flag and where you don' have to wear your coat in December (sub-saharan Africa and the Middle East). He even risked a little dalliance with immigration control. (Cf. Jonathon Porritt: Britain should have 'zero net immigration' policy)
In the course of this, he attacked the Catholic Church's "malign" condemnation of contraception as a "wicked sin" (unlike nice sins such as fornication. perhaps?)
In the course of this, he attacked the Catholic Church's "malign" condemnation of contraception as a "wicked sin" (unlike nice sins such as fornication. perhaps?)