Outline for Prayer Vigil

A group of us will be meeting from 7pm tonight outside Westminster Cathedral, in the Piazza. I have composed the following as a suggestion for this evening and will be happy to lead these prayers tonight. As there may well be press interest in tonight's event, I hope that this will give some clear information about what we are doing.

Outline for Prayer Vigil
On the occasion of the 99 names of Allah being sung in Westminster Cathedral

We gather peacefully to witness to the Catholic faith as presented in the Nicene Creed and to express our love for the Holy Name of Jesus. We bear no ill will towards our Muslim brothers and sisters. In accordance with the teaching of Jesus Christ, we love them and we pray for them.

We also pray for the Catholic Church in England and Wales, for Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor and for all those who have care of Westminster Cathedral, especially the Cathedral Administrator, Mgr Mark Langham.

We believe that it is wrong to sing the 99 names of Allah in a concert in the Cathedral. The Cathedral is dedicated to the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ and was built by our forefathers in the faith for Catholic worship.

Our vigil of prayer, will include the following prayers, hymns and scripture readings:
  • Credo III
  • The five sorrowful mysteries of the Rosary
  • The Divine Mercy Chaplet
  • Philippians 2.5-11
  • The Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus
  • Matthew 28.18-20
  • The Litany of Loreto
  • Salve Regina
  • Christus Vincit
Fr Timothy Finigan
19 June 2007

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