Graces for those who ask

Having finished St Francis de Sales, my nightcap reading is now the life of St Catherine Labouré by Fr Joseph Dirvin. I'm about halfway through at the moment and her story is quite fascinating. If you have not heard of her, she is the saint who received visions of Our Lady in the chapel of the Visitation Convent in the Rue de Bac in Paris. The "Miraculous Medal" was cast in response to her visions.

I was particularly struck by the words of Our Lady, pointing to the foot of the altar,
"There graces will be shed upon all, great and little, who ask for them. Graces will be especially shed upon those who ask for them."
This ties in very much with the teaching of St Alphonsus about which I wrote a few weeks ago (The necessity of prayer).

It is quite remarkable how St Alphonsus provided the theology and St Catherine Labouré was given the grace to make the teaching known more widely.

Our Lady, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

St Catherine Labouré. Pray for us.

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