APGL Conference 2006

The Priest and the Gospel of Life
A conference arranged by the Association of Priests for the Gospel of Life
Wednesday 22 November

St Wilfrid’s Hall
The London Oratory
Brompton Road, SW7 2RP.

The Conference is open to all priests. Deacons and seminarians are also welcome.

Registration at 11.15am
Keynote Speaker: Mgr Ignacio Barreiro, Executive Director of Human Life International’s Rome office:
  • The Role of the Priest in Promoting the Gospel of Life
Supporting Speaker: Fr Timothy Finigan, APGL Chairman:
  • Challenges and opportunities in pro-life preaching
A buffet lunch will be provided. Pro-life literature will be available. The conference will end with Benediction in the Little Oratory at 3.45pm

To help us with catering, please return the enclosed form or send an email to conference@apgl.org.uk if you are coming to the conference. There is no charge but donations will be welcome.

The Oratory is next to the Victoria and Albert Museum. (Nearest tube station South Kensington.) Enter the courtyard in front of the Oratory House. St Wilfrid’s Hall is upstairs in the building on the left.

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