Liturgical abuses - to blog or not to blog?

I have every respect for the decision of some bloggers not to post photographs or videos of liturgical abuses. Some feel that there is too much negative comment about individual priests or bishops and that we should spend our time praying for them instead of pointing up errors.

As you have probably noticed, I do post pictures and videos of liturgical abuses. The discussions engendered have made me examine my conscience and I did resolve to make sure that there was plenty of positive material too. Also, seeing the current average of over 550 visitors per day makes me more aware of my responsibility as a priest to offer education and spiritual nourishment through this medium and to be careful to avoid scandalising people unintentionally.

I would agree with the outlook of some of my American blogging friends that this medium has become a powerful way to campaign for fidelity to the magisterium. Considerable pressure has been brought to bear through the wide publicity given in the blogosphere to events that have not received the same coverage in traditional media. So I will be supporting their efforts when I think it will help.

As a priest, I hope that my comments are always made in the right spirit of charity, even when they are critical. Fraternal correction is always welcome.

Now, I think it is time for some more of Cardinal Bona ...

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