Speling missteaks

The Roving Medievalist has a funny story about the rage of people who can't spell:
A Toledo-area company called Universal Tubing is having a bit of a problem. For years, they've had a website at utube.com. They've had to shut it down because they're getting 70,000 (yes, that's 70,000) hits a day from people who can't spell. They're also getting a lot of e-mails from disgruntled people who can't figure out why they're seeing pictures of machine parts instead of the videos they expected. The company's customers can't even get in. You Tube seems to be avoiding comment.
For myself, the unforgiving nature of the internet with regard to spelling is a bonus: it helps to distinguish me (Finigan) from Fr Sean Finnegan. Not that there's much distinction between us on theology or liturgy, mind.

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